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Monday, February 22, 2010

Turmeric as Herbal Medicine

Turmeric as Herbal Medicine


Turmeric benefits a healthier living style. It protects one's bodies immune system and can be used as a healer. The Chinese and Indian cultures have used turmeric as a medicine.

Reports indicate that Turmeric acts as herbal biomedicine as under:

1. It helps in the treatment of wounds, cuts, cysts and other skin conditions. It's a natural antibiotic, which was used on soldiers during World War 2 to treat gun shot wounds. Make a pace and use to cover with gauze.
2. It helps in the treatment of arthritis and to ease pain. It can reduce inflammation, specifically in the bones. It's best to use turmeric extract, as a supplement in health stores.
3.It helps in the prevention of cancer. Turmeric has been said to kill cancer cells in the body. According to studies, a teaspoon of turmeric a day might be able to help prevent cancer. Turmeric will help protect your body from free radicals.
4.It helps to treat diabetes. It's recommended to take two teaspoons a day, with those who have diabetes. Turmeric might prevent diabetes 2 and can help those who struggle to lose weight. Turmeric might also be helpful in treating Alzheimer's disease.
5. Turmeric can also be used to treat gallstones, indigestion, poor circulation, heart disease, anemia, food poisoning and parasites.

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